Digital Curation aims at introducing students to the fundamental principles of digital curation, allowing them to acquire basic knowledge in the scope of the management of processes inherent to the creation, selection, description, preservation
Digital Curation aims at introducing students to the fundamental principles of digital curation, allowing them to acquire basic knowledge in the scope of the management of processes inherent to the creation, selection, description, preservation
Digital Curation aims at introducing students to the fundamental principles of digital curation, allowing them to acquire basic knowledge in the scope of the management of processes inherent to the creation, selection, description, preservation and accessibility of various types of digital collections and contents. Additionally, the course intends to prepare students to reflect critically upon the opportunities and challenges associated with curating and preserving digital culture.
At the end of the Course, students should have acquired knowledge that allows them to understand the specificities of the different types of content produced and disseminated within cyberculture and to be able to implement different strategies for its correct management and preservation.