Susana Cadilha holds a PhD in Moral and Political Philosophy (2017) from University of Porto. Since 2019 she is a post-doctoral research fellow at IFILNOVA, where she coordinates its Ethics and Political Philosophy Laboratory (EpLab). She is a member of the Scientific Committee of IFILNOVA and a lecturer in Ethics and Applied Ethics at FCSH - NOVA University of Lisbon. Before coming to IFILNOVA, she was Invited Assistant Professor at FLUP - Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, and at Católica Porto Business School (in undergraduate courses of Economics and Management). She held an FCT doctoral scholarship and in that period she was Visiting Researcher at NIEHS - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (North Carolina - EUA), where was trained in bioethics, focusing on the ethical problems of scientific investigation. She was co-principal investigator of the project "Conversations on Human Action and Practical Rationality" (funded by FLAD - Luso-American Development Foundation) and Project Fellow of the Project "The Bounds of Judgment - Frege, cognitive agents and human thinkers" (PTDC/FILFIL/109882/2009), funded by FCT. Currently she is member of the Steering Committee of the Project “EACH - Early Childhood and Sustainable Citizenship Routes in the Digital Era” (funded by Erasmus+ Program). Her area of expertise is ethics and metaethics and she is the author/editor of books and articles published in journals such as Topoi, Disputatio, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy, Principia, Philosophical News, or Kant Yearbook.