Gabriela Álvares Pereira

Assistant Professor


PhD in Cognition and Language Sciences by Portuguese Catholic University. Invited assistant professor since 2013 at the undergraduate program of Psychology of the Faculty of Human Sciences and, since 2023, researcher at Católica Research Centre for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing – CRC-W. Peer reviewer in several scientific journals and currently part of the Cognitive Stimulation Therapy - Portugal project, included in the International CST Center at University College London. Main research areas include aging, cognitive reserve and non-pharmacological/psychosocial interventions in dementia. Author of several publications about aging, cognitive reserve and cognitive stimulation for people with dementia.


Predicting alcohol relapse post-detoxification

Gabriela Álvares Pereira (with Joana Teixeira). 2024. Alcohol, Clinical and Experimental Research

Predicting alcohol relapse post-detoxification: The role of cognitive impairments in alcohol use disorder patients

Gabriela Álvares Pereira (with Álvares Pereira, G.). 2024. Alcohol Clinical & Experimental Research

Fazer a Diferença 1 | Making a Difference 1 - Manual para dinamizadores (2ª Edição revista)

Gabriela Álvares Pereira (with Gabriela Alvares Pereira). 2023. UCP Editora

Cognitive reserve and brain maintenance in aging and dementia

Vânia Nunes & Gabriela Álvares Pereira (with Gabriela Alvares Pereira). 2022. Applied Neuropsychology:Adult

Cognitive reserve and brain maintenance in aging and dementia: An integrative review

Gabriela Álvares Pereira (with Gabriela Alvares Pereira). 2022. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult

Cultural Adaptation of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) for Portuguese People with Dementia

Gabriela Álvares Pereira & Vânia Nunes (with Gabriela Alvares Pereira). 2022. Clinical Gerontologist

Fazer a diferença 2/Making a difference 2

Gabriela Álvares Pereira 2022. UCEDITORA
Book Chapter

The Role of Cognitive Reserve in Executive Functioning and Its Relationship to Cognitive Decline and Dementia

Gabriela Álvares Pereira (with Gabriela Alvares Pereira). 2022. Neurophysiology - Networks, Plasticity, Pathophysiology, and Behavior
Book Chapter

The role of cognitive reserve in executive functioning and its relationship to cognitive decline and dementia

Gabriela Álvares Pereira & Vânia Nunes (with Gabriela Alvares Pereira). 2022. Neurophysiology - networks, plasticity, pathophysiology and behavior

Viver com demência

Gabriela Álvares Pereira (with Gabriela Alvares Pereira). 2022. Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses
Book Chapter

Alterações físicas no envelhecimento

Gabriela Álvares Pereira 2021. Envelhecimento: Dimensões e contextos

Validation of the cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) program for people with dementia in Portugal

Gabriela Álvares Pereira & Vânia Nunes (with Gabriela Alvares Pereira). 2021. Aging and Mental Health

Validation of the cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) program for people with dementia in Portugal

Gabriela Álvares Pereira (with G. Alvares-Pereira). 2021. Aging & Mental Health

Fazer a diferença/Making a Difference

Gabriela Álvares Pereira 2020. UCEditora
Book Chapter

Intervenção psicológica nas demências

Gabriela Álvares Pereira 2020. Intervenção psicológica em Gerontologia

Genomic and epidemiological monitoring of yellow fever virus transmission potential

Gabriela Álvares Pereira (with N. R. Faria). 2018. Science