Welcome Message to New Students 2021/2022

Thursday, September 23, 2021 - 10:35

This week, FCH completed the admissions process for its Degree programs for the 2021/2022 academic year. After welcoming the 1st admissions phase students, the faculty will welcome students accepted through the 2nd phase, in an event taking place at the Cardeal Medeiros Auditorium on September 27.

Regarding applications for this academic year, Prof. Nelson Ribeiro underscores the excellent results: “We are proud of the fact that we continue to deserve the trust of many hundreds of candidates and their families, which has led FCH to record the highest number of candidates in its history, many dozens of whom with merit scholarships, having attained an average superior to 17.

As for the situation we are currently experiencing, the UCP Lisbon Campus has received the COVID SAFE seal, awarded by APCER, which is a guarantee of compliance with the guidelines of the Health and Workplace authorities relating to health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This semester, “FCH will continue to hold some classes online, given our commitment to the health and safety of the entire academic community. This will not jeopardize the quality of our teaching and the enormous enthusiasm and availability of our teaching staff, something that has always characterized and set us apart. At the same time, we are very optimistic about the return to 100% on-site teaching this academic year” explains Prof. Nelson Ribeiro, Dean of FCH-Católica.