New book: "O jornalismo visual em Portugal: contributos para uma história"

Thursday, November 10, 2022 - 10:17


CECC-jornalismo visual

Manuel Coutinho, a researcher at CECC, is one of the authors of the volume O jornalismo visual em Portugal: contributos para uma história, recently published by Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.

The book collects the results of work undertaken for the research project “Para uma História do Jornalismo em Portugal”, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT-PTDC/COM-JOR/28144/2017).

Among the research questions that guided the different contributions, the following should be highlighted: (i) how were photographs displayed on the pages of the most relevant newspapers and magazines in the Portuguese illustrated press between the end of the First Portuguese Republic and the early years of the Estado Novo (1926-1940); (ii) to what extent did the work of photographers translate both the political context and the working conditions of journalists at that time; (iii) in particular, on the day of the 1974 Carnation Revolution (25th April), what was the role played by photographers who were working for newspapers and magazines; (iv) what transformations did photo editing desks undergo in newsrooms in the post-revolution period, especially given the appearance, in Portugal, of new periodicals inspired by their main European counterparts of the time; (v) how has Portuguese photojournalism evolved up to the present moment.

The full book is available here.