Spanish Language I

3.5 ECTS / Semester / Portuguese

Our aim is that the students reach the objectives defined by the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at levels A1 and A2.

In accordance with the syllabus, students are expected to develop skills in producing and interpreting different types of utterances, both oral and written, and in multiple situations. One primary aim of the discipline is also to promote both individual and collaborative learning, i.e., through group work.


Assistant Professor
He holds a PhD in Literature from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and has extensive teaching experience in ELE and FLE in Mexico and Portugal. He…
Grauben Navas holds a Licentiate degree in Modern Languages from the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), awarded in 2004, for which she presented the…
Is currently a doctoral candidate in Culture Studies at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and since 2023 is also Spanish language professor at FCH in the…
PhD student in Language Teaching - Multilingualism and Global Citizenship Education at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Universidade Aberta, through the research…