Master's and PhD students in Culture Studies attend the Venice Biennale

Friday, April 26, 2024 - 10:33

Masters and PhD students in Culture Studies took part this year in the 60th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, one of the most famous and prestigious cultural institutions in the world. Between April 22 and 24, 17 FCH students were able to visit the various projects on display at the 60th Venice Art Biennale, starting with the art project “Greenhouse”, by Mónica de Miranda, Sónia Vaz Borges and Vânia Gala, at the Portuguese Pavilion, the project chosen to officially represent Portugal at the Biennale.

During the three days, the students had the opportunity to visit the exhibitions of various pavilions, including the Kosovo Pavilion, “The Echoing Silences of Metal and Skin”, by Daruntina Kastrati; the Lebanon Pavilion, “A Dance with her Myth”, by Mounira Al Solh; the Hãhãwpuá Pavilion (Brazil), “Ka'a Pûera: nós somos pássaros que andam", by Glicéria Tupinambá & Tupinambá community, Olinda Tupinambá, Ziel Karapotó; the Finnish Pavilion, ‘The Pleasures We Choose’, by Pia Lindman, Vidha Saumya, Jenni-Juulia Wallinheimo-Heimonen. In addition to these projects, there was also a visit to the Pinault Collection exhibitions: “Ensemble”, by Julie Mehretu; and “Liminal”, by Pierre Huyghe.

This visit was organized by the Lisbon Consortium, a network that brings together the master's and doctoral programmes in Culture Studies at the FCH and various cultural institutions based in Portugal, and was supported by the Centre for Communication and Culture Studies (CECC), a research and development unit funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

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