Call for papers: 43rd APEAA Meeting | Culture(s) of the Self

Wednesday, February 8, 2023 - 10:59
CECC-cultures of the self-43 APEAA

Even though the reflection is not new, it seems uncontroversial that the self is arguably one of the greatest concerns of the 21st century and an issue which is central in present-day debates and struggles. Nonetheless, the idea of the ‘true’ self, understood as a construct which takes places in the arts, religions, in the socioeconomic and in the political arena, still needs to be discussed. The aim of the 43rd edition of APEAA: Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-americanos' meeting is to question the ways in which selves are socially and aesthetically constructed and/or deployed, and to address the situatedness of the debates around the self and identity.

Papers and panel proposals in the following fields of knowledge are particularly welcome: Literary Studies, Cultural Studies, Post-colonial Studies, Food Studies, Migration Studies, Performance, Film and Theatre Studies, Gender Studies, Translation Studies, Subaltern Studies, Globalization Studies, Film Studies, Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Language Teaching and Methodology, among others.

The working languages of the conference are English and Portuguese. Speakers should prepare for a 20-minute presentation followed by Q&A. 

Proposals should be sent to by 15 March 2023, with the following elements:

  • A 250-word abstract
  • A brief biographical note (100 words)
  • A list with paper/ panel title, author's name, institutional affiliation, and contact details

Call for papers