Jonas Otterbeck | Music, Islam and Consumer Culture

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 12:53
CECC-late afternoon talk Jonas Otterbeck

Jonas Otterbeck (Aga Khan University, London) will join us in our next Late Afternoon Talk, focusing on the topic of “Music, Islam and Consumer Culture”.

With music as example, this session will address the effects of consumer culture on Muslim contexts in Asia. Acceptance or condemnation of music in Islamic thinking and in society is a particularly sensitive issue, and therefore interesting. Several Muslim majority states and religio-political groups have particular politics regarding music. The presence of music in contemporary consumer culture therefore poses a particularly interesting case. During the session, we will discuss several issues like censorship, reactionary politics, the growth of religious pop as well as counter-culture music challenging religious sensitivities.

The event will take place on 22 March 2023, by 6.30 pm, at Room 142.