Faculty Members

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141 - 147 of 147
Assistant Professor
PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Lisbon and the University of Coimbra, she has been a Guest Assistant Professor at the FCH-UCP since 2017…
Assistant Professor
PhD in Portuguese Studies – Literature Studies from Nova University Lisbon (2019), Teresa is since 2019/2020 Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of…
Teresa Líbano Monteiro graduated in Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon in 2015. The degree includes three minors: in…
Assistant Professor
Verena Lindemann Lino holds a PhD in Culture Studies form Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Univeridty of Giessen (double degree). Since 2022 she is…
Full Professor
PhD in Strategic Studies (ISCSP) and certified in Corporate Governance (INSEAD), Master in Philosophy of Action (UCP-FCH) and Degree in Economics (ISEG).
A professor in the IEO – Institute of Oriental Studies (integrated into the FCH in 2011) of the Catholic University of Portugal since the 2007/2008 academic year…