Daniela Rodrigues

Assistant Professor


PhD in Behavioral Biology from ISPA – Instituto Universitário, has been an adjunct assistant professor since 2024 in the Master's in Psychology and Environmental Sustainability and a researcher at the Católica Research Centre for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing – CRC-W. Between 2019 and 2023, she was a visiting researcher at the School of Psychology and Neurosciences at the University of St Andrews. She collaborates as a reviewer with various scientific journals such as Animal Cognition, Scientific Reports, and the International Journal of Primatology. She is a member of the permanent organizing committee of the Protolang Conference Series. Her main research areas are comparative psychology and behavior, with a special interest in the role of gestures in the evolution and acquisition of language. She is the author of several publications on communication in humans and other primates.


Combinatoriality and Compositionality in Communication, Skills, Tool Use, and Language

Daniela Rodrigues (with Nathalie Gontier). 2024. International Journal of Primatology

Operationalizing Intentionality in Primate Communication: Social and Ecological Considerations

Daniela Rodrigues (with Evelina D. Rodrigues). 2024. International Journal of Primatology

Exploring greetings and leave-takings: communication during arrivals and departures by chimpanzees of the Bossou community, Guinea

Daniela Rodrigues (with Evelina D. Rodrigues). 2022. Primates

The evolution of language: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE).

Daniela Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Evelina D.). 2022.

Communicative gestures in 7–12‐month infants: A phylogenetic comparative approach

Daniela Rodrigues (with Evelina D. Rodrigues). 2021. Infant and Child Development

Connecting primate gesture to the evolutionary roots of language: A systematic review

Daniela Rodrigues 2021. American Journal of Primatology

Social Cognition and Communication in Chimpanzees and Bonobos

Daniela Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Evelina). 2020. Springer Nature

Using behaviour observations to study personality in a group of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) in captivity

Daniela Rodrigues (with Brandão, Angela). 2019. Behaviour

A narrative synthesis of research evidence for tinnitus-related complaints as reported by patients and their significant others

Daniela Rodrigues (with Hall, Deborah Ann). 2018. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes

Decifrando a comunicação dos nossos parentes mais próximos

Daniela Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Evelina). 2018. Encontro Aberto de Primatologia de 2018

Perfis de comportamentos de brincadeira e conhecimento emocional em crianças de idade pré-escolar

Daniela Rodrigues (with Coelho, Leandra). 2018. Análise Psicológica

Communicative gestures in 8-12 months' infants: a phylogenetically comparable approach


Studying gestures to understand the roots of language: a systematic review.

Daniela Rodrigues 2017. 6th Iberian Primatological Congress, Burgos, Spain

Communicative gestures in 8-12 months infants: a phylogenetically comparable approach

Daniela Rodrigues 2015. Workshop Gesture in language development

Communicative gestures in human infants and chimpanzees

Daniela Rodrigues 2015. Protolang4

Consequences of social deprivation and humanization in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) communication

Daniela Rodrigues 2015. 5th Iberian Primatological Congress

Parental care in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): effects of age, experience and kinship between mothers and infants. Study in a captive population at the Lisbon’s Zoo under environmental enrichment

Daniela Rodrigues 2012. IX National Congress of Ethology