Faculty Members

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131 - 140 of 147
Assistant Professor
PhD from Universidade Católica Portuguesa in 2010. Executive Director of AEEP, Presidente of the General Council of IAVE, I.P., and Counselor of the National…
BA in Communications (Journalism) (PUC-Rio, 1992). Lato Sensu Specialization in Translation (PUC-Rio, 2002). MA in Language Studies-Translation (PUC-Rio, 2007…
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences in the Portuguese Catholic University since 2015. Member of to the Philosophy Studies Centre and member…
Assistant Professor
Sandra Borges Tavares holds a PhD in Youth, Media and Memory Studies from King's College London University (Department of Culture, Media and Creative…
Assistant Professor
Sandra Oliveira holds a Phd in Clinical Psychology (ISCTE-IUL), she has been working in this field and within the domain of psychosocial rehabilitation…
Assistant Professor
Sara Eckerson is Invited Assistant Professor at FCH-UCP. She received her PhD in Literary and Cultural Studies, with a specialization in Literary Theory, from…
Assistant Professor
PhD in Communication Studies by Universidade Católica Portuguesa. She is a lecturer in the Master in Asian Studies of the Faculty of Human Sciences since 2017…
Assistant Professor
Sofia Pinto (Sophie Pinto) holds a BA in Acting from The Lisbon Theatre and Cinema School (2007), and a Master´s degree in Culture Studies from Universidade…
Stacey Leasca is an award-winning journalist whose words, photos, and videos have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Travel + Leisure, TIME, Glamour, Men's…
She holds a BA in Modern Languages and Literatures - English and German Studies (1998), and a Master’s Degree in German Studies (2002), both from the Faculty…