Call for Papers: Diffractions n. 9 | Beyond the Object

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 11:49
CECC-diffractions - site 2 - completo

The call for papers for the next issue of Diffractions, dedicated to the topic of Beyond the Object: Immaterial Pasts, Immaterial Futures, is open!

This ninth issue will explore immateriality in artistic and cultural practices as a form of both expression and resistance. Ultimately, it wishes to start a discussion about how multiple perspectives and fields of research and action have blurred the boundaries between binary conceptions such as human-nature, subject-object, and material-immaterial to acknowledge alternative narratives, existences, and temporalities. The aim is to challenge materialist theories and reflect on the importance of non-materials such as ideas, emotions, sensations, and questions of being and becoming on our ethical and political existences and on the relationships between humans and other living beings.

Abstracts should be sent by 15 December, 2023 to Please, consult the call for guidelines and details.

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