Objectives (B2.1 – independent speaker level 1 – according to the Common European Framework):
- To revise, recycle and consolidate students’ existing knowledge of English in order to eliminate inaccuracy in spoken and written work. To extend students’ vocabulary and reading skills.
- To develop students’ language awareness in order to aid them to express opinions on a range of media and current affairs themes. To present detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects. Write fluent and coherent texts on familiar matters.
- To read and understand English used in the current media (newspapers, the Internet) and complex articles concerned with contemporary problems.
- To write clearly and explain a well-supported viewpoint on a topical issue.
- To provide students with the necessary skills to use English both receptively and productively to engage in a range of pedagogic and real-life activities and to interact with a certain degree of fluency and spontaneity.