Professor Auxiliar da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas (FCH, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa). Coordenador do Instituto de Estudos Asiáticos e do Mestrado em Estudos Asiáticos (FCH-UCP). É investigador-sénior do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura (FCH-UCP) e professor convidado da Universidade de Macau (desde 2006), onde lecionou entre 1990 e 1996. É Vice-Presidente da Associação Luso-Indonésia para a Amizade e Cooperação (ALIAC).
Jorge Santos Alves is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences (FCH), Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), in Lisbon, and Coordinator of the Asian Studies Institute (FCH-UCP). He is also Coordinator of the MA in Asian Studies (FCH- UCP). He is affiliated as senior-researcher to the Center of Communication and Culture Studies (FCH-UCP). He is Vice-President of the Luso-Indonesian Association for Friendship and Cooperation (ALIAC), and Director of the journal Oriente (Fundação Oriente, Lisbon). His teaching in BA, MA and Ph.D. programs as much as his research are mainly focused on Asian Studies, particularly in the History of Southeast Asia, China (Macau) and the Indian Ocean area. His research interests are also directed to the Muslim networks in the Indian Ocean in the pre-colonial period.