Nelson Ribeiro

Professor Catedrático


Vice-Reitor para a Transformação, Colaboração e Assuntos Internacionais, é diretor do Programa de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e coordenador do grupo de investigação “Narrativas dos Media e Memória Cultural” do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura (CECC). É Diretor da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas desde 2016.

Membro da Academia Europaea (eleito em 2023), é investigador afiliado e membro do comité de ética do International Panel on the Information Environment (IPIE). Desde 2016 é membro do International Council e presidente da seção de History da International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), tendo sido anteriormente presidente da secção de Communication History da European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). É diretor fundador da Lisbon Winter School for the Study of Communication, organizada em parceria com a Annenberg School for Communication (University of Pennsylvania), a Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism (University of Southern California) e a Universidade de Helsínquia. As suas principais áreas de pesquisa são a história dos media, propaganda e desinformação, media e colonialismo e estudos de jornalismo.

Foi fellow do Hoover Institution da Universidade de Stanford e professor visitante em diversas universidades na Europa, América Latina, Ásia e África.  

Capítulo de Livro

Broadcasting Agency in the Portuguese Empire

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2024. Media Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century

Media Capture and Transitional Settings: Towards Theoretical and Empirical Developments

Nelson Ribeiro (with Márquez‑Ramírez, M.). 2024. Central European Journal of Communication
Capítulo de Livro

Segregation on the airwaves: From a monolingual to a multilingual broadcasting model in Angola and Mozambique

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2024. The Oxford Handbook of Radio and Podcasting

Where Propaganda Lives On

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2024. International Journal of Communication
Capítulo de Livro

A Política de Radiodifusão no Imperio Português: Do desinvestimento às emissões em línguas africanas

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2023. A História na Era da Desinformação
Capítulo de Livro

Producing Journalism in Times of Uncertainty

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2023. Periodismo y Desinformación: Análisis y Perspectivas

A Polycentric Broadcasting Model: Radio and the Promotion of Portuguese Colonialism

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2022. Journal of Radio & Audio Media

Broadcasting Empire

Nelson Ribeiro & Catarina Valdigem (with Catarina Valdigem Pereira). 2022.
Capítulo de Livro

Institutions, States, and International Broadcasting

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2022. The Wireless World: Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting
Capítulo de Livro

International Broadcasting for a Pluri-Continental Nation?: Portuguese Colonial Broadcasting

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2022. The Wireless World: Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting
Capítulo de Livro

Introduction: Media and Fear—Diachronic, Intermedia, and Transcultural Perspectives on a Toxic and Functional Relationship during Pandemics, Wars, and Political Crises

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2022. Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research

Introduction: Researching (Post)Colonial Broadcasting

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2022. Journal of Radio & Audio Media
Capítulo de Livro

Listening to the BBC in Neutral Portugal during the Second World War

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2022. The Wireless World: Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting

Media and the Dissemination of Fear: Pandemics, Wars and Political Intimidation

Nelson Ribeiro 2022. Palgrave Macmillan

Media and Uncertainty

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2022. International Journal of Communication
Capítulo de Livro

Nazi Broadcasts to a Neutral Country: Disseminating Fear in Portugal during the Second World War

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2022. Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research

The Wireless World: Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2022. Oxford University Press

The Wireless World: Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting

Nelson Ribeiro (with Potter, S.J.). 2022. The Wireless World: Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting
Capítulo de Livro

TRANSBORDER BROADCASTING: Warfare, propaganda, and public diplomacy on the airwaves

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2022. The Routledge Companion to Radio and Podcast Studies

APIT | Associação de Produtores Independentes de Televisão | Barómetro 2020

Catarina Duff Burnay & Nelson Ribeiro (with Catarina Duff Burnay). 2021. Faculty of Human Sciences; Research Centre for Communication and Culture (CECC); Lisbon

Broadcasting with one single voice? The Radio Clube of Mozambique and its outsourced private colonial production companies

Nelson Ribeiro (with Catarina Valdigem Pereira). 2021. 8th ECREA European Communication Conference, 6/09/21

Broadcasting with one single voice? The Radio Clube of Mozambique and its outsourced private colonial production companies

Nelson Ribeiro & Catarina Valdigem (with Ribeiro, Nelson Costa). 2021. 8th ECREA European Conference 2021

Desinformação Online - O Impacto da Propaganda Participativa

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2021. Universidade Católica Editora

Desinformação Online: O Impacto da Propaganda Participativa

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2021. Universidade Católica Editora

Digging into Digital Roots. Towards a Conceptual Media and Communication History

Nelson Ribeiro (with Gabriele Balbi). 2021. Digital Roots

Digital Roots

Nelson Ribeiro (with Gabriele Balbi). 2021.

Digital Roots Historicising Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2021. DeGruyter

The Political and Economic Dependence of the Press in Macao under Portuguese and Chinese Rule: Continuity and Change

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa-Ribeiro). 2021. Communication & Society

Transgressing or complying with the colonial rule? The GOLO commercial broadcasts on the Rádio Clube de Moçambique

Nelson Ribeiro (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2021. IAMCR international conference titled - Rethinking borders and boundaries, Beyond the global/local dichotomy in communication studies

Anuário do setor de produção audiovisual em Portugal 2020

Catarina Duff Burnay & Nelson Ribeiro (with Catarina Duff Burnay). 2020. Associação de Produtores Independentes de Televisão

Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Manuel Braga da Cruz

Luísa Leal de Faria & Nelson Ribeiro (with Luisa Leal de Faria). 2020. Estudos de Homenagem

RADIO AND THE COLD WAR IN ANGOLA - Powerful Frequencies: Radio, State Power, and the Cold War in Angola, 1931–2002. By Marissa J. Moorman. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2019. Pp. 240. $32.95, paperback (ISBN: 978-0-8214-2370-7); $80.00, hardco...

Nelson Ribeiro 2020. The Journal of African History

Transgressing or complying with the colonial rule? The GOLO commercial broadcasts on the Rádio Clube de Moçambique

Nelson Ribeiro (with Catarina Valdigem Pereira). 2020. IAMCR 2020, Tampere, Finland, 12/07/20

West – East Entanglements During the Cold War: Shortwave Broadcasting and Propaganda from and to Portugal

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2020. Media History

When "formerly" becomes now: Populism and the media

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2020. Communication, Culture and Critique

When “Formerly” Becomes Now: Populism and the Media

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2020. Communication, Culture and Critique

Angola (media in)

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2019. Sage
Capítulo de Livro

As elites económicas e políticas e os meios de comunicação: uma resenha história sobre os grupos de media em Portugal no século XX

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2019. Media: poder, representação e epistemologias. Diálogos a propósito da obra de Isabel Ferin da Cunha
Capítulo de Livro

As Elites Económicas e Políticas e os Meios de Comunicação: uma resenha história sobre os grupos de media em Portugal no século XX

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2019. Media: Poder, Representação, Epistemologias

Insights from a Comparative Study into Convergence Culture in European Newsrooms

Nelson Ribeiro (with Manuel Menke). 2019. Journalism Practice

International Radio Broadcasting During World War II

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2019. The Handbook of European Communication History
Capítulo de Livro

International Radio Broadcasting during World War II: Propaganda and Public Diplomacy through the Airwaves

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2019. The Handbook of European Communication History
Capítulo de Livro


Nelson Ribeiro (with Rita Figueiras). 2019. O setor dos media no espaço lusófono

Media and Populism

Capítulo de Livro

Novos fluxos globais de capital nas indústrias dos media após a crise financeira de 2008: a relação Angola-Portugal

Nelson Ribeiro (with Rita Maria Brás Pedro Figueiras). 2019. O setor dos media no espaço lusófono

O Setor dos Media no Espaço Lusófono

Nelson Ribeiro 2019. Universidade Católica Editora

Organizing a New Medium

Nelson Ribeiro (with Klaus Arnold). 2019. The Handbook of European Communication History
Capítulo de Livro

Organizing a new medium: the emergence of radio broadcasting in Europe

Nelson Ribeiro (with Arnold, Klaus). 2019. The Handbook of European Communication History

Portugal (media in)

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2019. Sage

Portugal (media in)

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2019. Sage Publications
Capítulo de Livro

Reconfiguração dos sistemas mediáticos ocidentais pós-2008 e a emergência de um modelo de media pós-democrático

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2019. O Setor dos Media no Espaço Lusófono

RTP (public broadcaster)

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2019. Sage

Shortwave Broadcasting

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2019. Sage Publications

World War I and the Emergence of Modern Propaganda

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2019. The Handbook of European Communication History
Capítulo de Livro

Colonization through Broadcasting: Rádio Clube de Moçambique and the Promotion of Portuguese Colonial Policy, 1932–64

Nelson Ribeiro 2018. Media and Portuguese Empire

Convergence Culture in European Newsrooms

Nelson Ribeiro (with Manuel Menke). 2018. Journalism Studies

Convergence Culture in European Newsrooms: Comparing editorial strategies for cross-media news production in six countries

Nelson Ribeiro (with Menke, M.). 2018. Journalism Studies

Desafios da Comunicação no Século XXI

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nhamposse, Alice). 2018. Década das Palavras

Diversidade e Tolerância – IBERCOM 2017 Livro de Anais

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2018. ECA-USP

Livro de Anais. Comunicação, Diversidade e Tolerância. XV Congresso Ibero-Americano de Comunicação IBERCOM 2017

Nelson Ribeiro (with Maria Immacolata Vassalo de Lopes). 2018. Escola de Comunicação e Artes Universidade de São Paulo


Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2018.
Capítulo de Livro

Repensar o Jornalismo perante os Desafios do Ambiente Digital: a liberdade de imprensa ante as transformações do ecossistema mediático

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2018. Desafios da Comunicação no Século XXI
Capítulo de Livro

A Política Radiofónica do Estado Novo (1933-1945)

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2017. Salazar, o Estado Novo e os Media
Capítulo de Livro

A Política Radiofónica do Estado Novo (1933-1945)

Nelson Ribeiro 2017. Salazar e os Media
Capítulo de Livro

Colonisation Through Broadcasting: Rádio Clube de Moçambique and the Promotion of Portuguese Colonial Policy, 1932–1964

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2017. Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media
Capítulo de Livro

Colonization through Broadcasting. Rádio Clube de Moçambique and the Promotion of Portuguese Colonial Policy, 1932-1964

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2017. Media & Portuguese Empire

Disseminating Fear: Nazi-Broadcasting Propaganda in Neutral Countries

Nelson Ribeiro 2017. Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research

From television to total video: Change and continuity in the audio-visual market in Portugal

Nelson Ribeiro 2017. The Future of Old Media

História dos Media e das Famílias através de Mediagrafias

Nelson Ribeiro 2017. X SOPCOM Conference

Investigação sobre a População Idosa: perspetivas interdisciplinares

Nelson Ribeiro 2017. Portuguese Society for Geriatrics and Gerontology

Making Portugal Great Again! Radio Broadcasting and Salazar's Nationalist Discourse in 1930s and 1940s

Nelson Ribeiro 2017. Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research

O jornalismo convergente e a reconfiguração do trabalho nas redações da imprensa portuguesa

Nelson Ribeiro & Filipe Resende (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2017. Observatorio (OBS*)
Capítulo de Livro

Os Meios de Comunicação ao Serviço do (Des)entendimento Global

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2017. Entendimento Global e Compromisso com as Periferias
Capítulo de Livro

Os Meios de Comunicação ao Serviço do (Des)entendimento Global§

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2017. Entendimento Global e Compromisso com as Periferias


Nelson Ribeiro & Manuel Cândido Pimentel (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2017.
Capítulo de Livro

Reflexões sobre a Evolução do Sistema Mediático em Macau: entre a proximidade do poder a distância do mercado

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2017. O Futuro ao Nosso Alcance

Reporting an Alternative Reality to ‘Conveniently Guide’ Public Opinion

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2017. Media History

The convergent journalism and the reconfiguration of work in Portuguese newspaper newsrooms,O jornalismo convergente e a reconfiguração do trabalho nas redações da imprensa portuguesa

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.C.). 2017. Observatorio

The Political and Economic (In)Dependence of the Media in Macao under Portuguese and Chinese Rule: Continuity and Change after the Handover

Nelson Ribeiro 2017. International Communication Association Conference
Capítulo de Livro

Um Novo Medium ao Serviço da Ditadura: A Rádio e a Difusão do Ideário Salazarista, 1933-1945

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2017. Salazar e os Media

Undermining an Imperial Power during the Cold War: shortwave Broadcasting and the Collapse of the Portuguese Empire

Nelson Ribeiro 2017. International Communication Association Conference

West/East Entanglements during the Cold War. Shortwave broadcasting as a tool of (counter)propaganda

Nelson Ribeiro 2017. Tracing entanglements in media history

As Novas Dinâmicas do Consumo Audiovisual em Portugal

Catarina Duff Burnay & Nelson Ribeiro (with Burnay, Catarina Duff). 2016. Apresentação do estudo coordenado e desenvolvido para a Entidade Reguladora da Comunicação Social
Capítulo de Livro

Communication studies on the Iberian Peninsula: A comparative analysis of the field’s development in Portugal and Spain

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2016. The International History of Communication Study

Journalism teaching: challenges for universities and journalists

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2016. Mediapolis: revista de comunicação, jornalismo e espaço público

Nelson Ribeiro and Stephanie Seul (eds) (2015) Revisiting transnational broadcasting: The BBC’s foreign-language services during the Second World War, Media HistoryRibeiroNelsonSeulStephanie (eds) (2015) Revisiting transnational broadcasting: The B...

Nelson Ribeiro 2016. European Journal of Communication
Capítulo de Livro

O Discurso sobre os Novos Media: Utopia e Disrupção

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2016. Orações de Sapiência: Faculdade de Ciências Humanas 2001-2016
Capítulo de Livro

O Discurso sobre os Novos Media: Utopia e Disrupção

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2016. Orações de Sapiência 2001-2016


Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2016.

Reaching the Colonial Territories in Africa and Asia: Portuguese Media Content travelling to the Empire

Nelson Ribeiro (with Rogério Santos). 2016. ICA (International Communication Association)

Revisiting Transnational Broadcasting: The BBC's foreign-language services during the Second World War

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2016. Routledge

Sociétés de radiodiffusion sur ondes courtes exploitées par l’opposition politique portugaise dans les années 1960 et 1970

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2016. Encyclopédie d'histoire numérique de l'Europe [en ligne]
Capítulo de Livro

The Disruption of the Portuguese Media Democracy? Economic Crisis and Media Ownership

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2016. Media Business Models
Capítulo de Livro

The Disruption of the Portuguese Media Democracy?: Economic Crisis and Media Ownership

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2016. Media Business Models: Breaking the Traditional Value Chain

A nova globalização pós-2008 e a reconfiguração do sistema dos média ocidentais

Nelson Ribeiro & Rita Figueiras (with Rita Figueiras). 2015. SPP

BBC Portuguese Service during World War II: Praising Salazar while defending the Allies

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2015. Media History

Censorship and scarcity: Controlling new and old media in Portugal, 1936-1945

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2015. Media History
Capítulo de Livro

Communication Studies on the Iberian Peninsula: A Comparative Analysis of the Field’s Development in Portugal and Spain

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2015. The International History of Communication Study

Revisiting Transnational Broadcasting

Nelson Ribeiro (with Stephanie Seul & Nelson Ribeiro). 2015. Media History

Revisiting Transnational Broadcasting: The BBC'S foreign-language services during the Second World War

Nelson Ribeiro (with Seul, S.). 2015. Media History
Capítulo de Livro

The Discourse on New Media

Nelson Ribeiro 2015. Theorien des Medienwandels
Capítulo de Livro

The Discourse on New Media: Between Utopia and Disruption

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2015. Theorien des Medienwandels

The new post-2008 globalisation and the reconfiguration of the Western media system,A nova globalização pós-2008 e a reconfiguração do sistema dos média ocidentais

Nelson Ribeiro & Rita Figueiras (with Figueiras, R.). 2015. Sociologia, Problemas e Praticas

Broadcasting to the Portuguese empire in Africa: Salazar's singular broadcasting policy

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2014. Critical Arts

Fighting for a regime change through active listening

Nelson Ribeiro 2014. CM - Commun manag

Os Católicos na Transição Democrática: O Caso da Rádio Renascença e a Luta pela Liberdade de Informação

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2014. Povos e Culturas

Salazar e a BBC na Segunda Guerra Mundial


Salazar e a BBC na Segunda Guerra Mundial: Informação e Propaganda

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2014. Edições Almedina

Using a new medium for propaganda: The role of transborder broadcasts during the Spanish Civil War

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2014. Media, War and Conflict

A Amizade no Universo Digital

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2013. Communio

António Pedro: the Voice of Democracy in the BBC Portuguese Section during World War II

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2013. Portuguese Cultural Studies

New Global Flows of Capital in Media Industries after the 2008 Financial Crisis: The Angola-Portugal Relationship

Nelson Ribeiro & Rita Figueiras (with Figueiras, R.). 2013. International Journal of Press/Politics

Undermining a Dictatorship: International Broadcasts to Portugal, 1945-1974

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Ribeiro). 2013. Airy Curtains in the European Ether

A New Medium at War: The Importance of Foreign Radio Reports in Portugal during World War II

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2012. Journal of War and Culture Studies

Entrevista a James Curran

Rita Figueiras & Nelson Ribeiro (with Figueiras, Rita). 2012.

Objectivity versus ‘toxic propaganda’: The case of transborder broadcasts to Portugal during World War II


BBC Broadcasts to Portugal: how radio was used as a weapon of war

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2011. Edwin Mellen Press

The Rise of a New Field: Researching Communication History in the Iberian Countries

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2011. Medien & Zeit

The War of the Airwaves in Portugal: Foreign Propaganda on Short and Medium Waves, 1933-1945

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2011. Journal of Radio & Audio Media

A Emergência da Rádio e a Vulgarização do Entretenimento no Lar

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2010. Comunicação e Cultura

Political Interference on the Airwaves: The BBC Broadcasts to Portugal during the Second World War

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2010. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture

Salazar's interference in the BBC Portuguese service during world war ii

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2010. Journalism Studies

The War of the Airwaves in a Neutral Country: Radio Broadcasting in Portugal during World War II

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2010. Rundfunk und Geschiste

The war of the airwaves in Portugal: Foreign propaganda on short and medium waves, 1933-1945

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, N.). 2010. Journal of Radio and Audio Media
Capítulo de Livro

Um Contributo para o Estudo da Guerra das Ondas em Portugal

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson). 2010. Partíamos como se Não Fôssemos. Homenagem a Horácio Peixoto de Araújo

BBC Broadcasts to Portugal in World War II


BBC Broadcasts to Portugal in World War II: How Radio was used as a Weapon of War

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2009. Edwin Mellen Press

La Rádio Portuguesa en la Guerra Civil de España

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson Costa). 2008. Comunicacion y Pluralismo

A Emissora Nacional: das Emissões Experimentais à Oficialização (1933-1936)

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson Costa). 2007. Comunicação & Cultura

A Rádio Portuguesa na Guerra Civil de Espanha

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson Costa). 2007. Guerra Civil de Espanha: Cruzando Fronteiras 70 Anos Depois

A Emissora Nacional nos Primeiros Anos do Estado Novo (1933-1945)

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2005. Editora Quimera

A Rádio Renascença e o 25 de Abril

Nelson Ribeiro (with Nelson Costa Ribeiro). 2002. Universidade Católica Editora

A Info-Exclusão

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson Costa). 2001. Brotéria

Momentos Marcantes na História da Rádio Renascença

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson Costa). 2001. Observatório

A Info-Exclusão

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson Costa). 2000. Jornadas de Reflexão contra a Exclusão Social

A Rádio Renascença na Transição de Regime: do 25 de Abril ao 25 de Novembro

Nelson Ribeiro (with Ribeiro, Nelson Costa). 2000. Lusitânia Sacra