Verena Lindemann Lino

Professor Auxiliar

Generic Bio

Doutorada em Estudos de Cultura pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa e pela Universidade de Giessen (duplo grau), é desde 2022 Professora Auxiliar Convidada da Faculdade de Ciência Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Investigadora do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura, leva atualmente a cabo o projeto Archives of (In)hospitality. É membro do conselho editorial da revista Diffractions – Graduate Journal for the Study of Culture. As suas principais áreas de investigação são transculturalidade, memória (trans)cultural, teoria da tradução e literatura comparada. Editou, entre outros, Negotiations of Migration (De Gruyter 2021). É autora de Remembering World War II Refugees in Contemporary Portugal (De Gruyter 2021) e vários artigos sobre fenómenos transculturais, memória e tradução.

Capítulo de Livro

Translation as Exoticist Detour: On Antoine Berman's Experience of the Foreign and the Ethics of Modern Translation

Verena Lindemann Lino & Ana Flora Machado (with Lindemann Lino, Verena). 2024. Translation & Exoticism. (Re)inventing the Other in Literature

On building bridges between academia and society: challenges and opportunities in the dissemination of knowledge in literary and culture studies

Verena Lindemann Lino & Ana Flora Machado (with Lindemann Lino, Verena). 2022. MyResearch 2022: Disseminating Knowledge in the Global Present

Archives, Migration and Gender

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino (with Lindemann Lino, Verena (9411-350C-4FEE)). 2021. Diffractions
Capítulo de Livro

Die Mehrsprachigkeit des Exils in Portugal: Übersetzungspraktiken in Ilse Losas und Daniel Blaufuks' Sob Céus Estranhos

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino (with Lindemann Lino, Verena (9411-350C-4FEE)). 2021. Übersetzen. Theorien, Praktiken und Strategien der europäischen Germanistik
Capítulo de Livro

Displacing Europe’s Past and Present: Reexamining Migration in Artistic and Critical Practices

Verena Lindemann Lino (with Juvonen, Annimari Elisa). 2021. Negotiations of Migration: Reexamining the Past and Present in Contemporary Europe

Editorial: on archives, migration and gender

Verena Lindemann Lino & Ana Flora Machado (with Vera Jerosch Herold da Costa Reis). 2021. Diffractions

Negotiations of Migration: Reexamining the Past and Present in Contemporary Europe

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino (with Lindemann Lino, Verena (9411-350C-4FEE)). 2021. De Gruyter
Capítulo de Livro

Remediating Archives of Transit and Exile in Portugal between 1933 and 1945: Ethical Potentialities of Memory in Daniel Blaufuk’s Sob Céus Estranhos and João Canijo’s Fantasia Lusitana

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino (with Lindemann, Verena). 2021. Negotiations of Migration: Reexamining the Past and Present in Contemporary Europe

Remembering World War II Refugees in Contemporary Portugal: A Translational Perspective on Transcultural Memory

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino (with Lindemann Lino, Verena (9411-350C-4FEE)). 2021. de Gruyter

Dwelling in the Other’s Language

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino 2019. MLA International Symposium Remembering Voices Lost

Recovering Voices of the Refugiadas

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino 2019. MLA International Symposium Remembering Voices Lost

Remembering World War II Refugees in Contemporary Portugal: A Translational Perspective on Memory and the 'Refugee Other' in Daniel Blaufuks' Sob Céus Estranhos, Domingos Amaral's Enquanto Salazar Dormia and João Canijo's Fantasia Lusitana

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino (with Lindemann, Verena). 2019. Faculdade de Ciências Humanas / Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Memory Uprooted

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino 2018. Europe's Crises and Cultural Resources of Resilience
Capítulo de Livro

Rereading Alves Redol’s O Cavalo Espantado: Literary Negotiations of a Refugee Crisis and the Remembrance of Jewish Refugees in Lisbon

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino (with Lindemann, Verena). 2017. Literature and Crises. Conceptual Explorations and Literary Negotiations
Capítulo de Livro

Friedrich Schleiermacher's Lecture 'On the Different Methods of Translating' and the Notion of Authorship in Translation Studies

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino (with Lindemann, Verena). 2016. Rereading Schleiermacher : translation, cognition and culture

In Transit

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino 2016. Routes of Difference: Migration in Artistic, Academic and Media Discourses, 6th Graduate Conference in the Study of Culture

Rereading Alves Redol’s O Cavalo Espantado

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino 2016. Literature and Crises: Conceptual Explorations and Literary Negotiations

Experiencing Exile through Postmemory in Daniel Blaufuks’ Sob Céus Estranhos

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino (with Lindemann, Verena). 2015. (Up)rooted & (Un)moored: Discourses of Belonging in Hispanic and Lusophone Literature, Culture and Linguistics

I Started Hoping Again that I Would Be Able to Belong to this City



Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino 2014. 50 Years that Changed the World. Translation in the 1st Half of the 20th Cenutry

Emily Apter, Against World Literature

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino (with Lindemann, Verena). 2014. Diffractions. Graduate Journal for the Study of Culture

FALAR : a competência oral no ensino de uma língua estrangeira = Speaking : teaching oral communication skills in foreign languages


Traduzir um texto inacabado : O Livro do Desassossego em Portugal e na Alemanha


A conferência Sobre os Diferentes Métodos de Traduzir de Friedrich Schleiermacher e o efeito do tradutor nos Estudos de Tradução

Ana Flora Machado & Verena Lindemann Lino (with Lindemann, Verena). 2013. Schleiermacher – International Colloquium
Capítulo de Livro

Interações entre estratégia de desambiguação e modo de segmentação de sentenças em self-paced reading