Assessing digital content in the TeenPower project: Development and validation of a questionnaire.
Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2018. 4th Health International Congress of IPLeiria
Assessing digital content in the TeenPower project: development and validation of a questionnaire. (Proceedings of the 4th IPLeirias International Health Congress)
Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2018. BMC Health Services Research
Assessing digital contents for health promotion and obesity prevention in adolescence
Assessing digital contents for health promotion and obesity prevention in adolescence. (Proceedings of the 4th IPLeirias International Health Congress)
Roberta Frontini (with Luz, R.,). 2018. BMC Health Services Research
Assessing preferences and features for a mobile app to promote healthy behaviors in adolescence: an exploratory study (Proceedings of the 4th IPLeirias International Health Congress)
Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2018. BMC Health Services Research