Michael Baum

Professor Catedrático


Diretor, Global Education Office. Doutorado em Ciência Politica pela Universidade de Connecticut (EUA). É Senior Fellow no Instituto de


The transformation of Portuguese society: The role of Europeanization

Michael Baum (with Baum, M.). 2014. Portugal in The European Union: Assessing Twenty-Five Years of Integration Experience
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Incomplete Modernity or Typically Modern? Portuguese National Identity in an Era of Rapid Transition

Michael Baum (with Baum, Michael). 2012. Portugal in the 21st Century: Politics, Society and Economics
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Portugal's 2006 quota/parity law: An analysis of the causes for its adoption

Michael Baum 2012. Political Representation in Portugal: Comparative Perspectives

Portugal's Quota-Parity Law: An Analysis of its Adoption

Michael Baum (with Baum, M.). 2012. West European Politics
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Os Factores que Expliquem a Adopção da Lei de Paridade em Portugal

Michael Baum (with Baum, Michael). 2009. A Representação Política em Portugal: Perspectivas Comparadas
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As desigualdades de género na participação política em Portugal: uma perspectiva longitudinal

Michael Baum (with Baum, Michael). 2007. Comportamento Eleitoral e Atitudes Políticas dos Portugueses: Eleições e Cultura Política
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Exploring the Gender Gap in Portugal: Women's Political Participation

Michael Baum 2007. Portugal at the Polls in 2002
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Exploring the Gender Gap in Portugal: Women's Political Participation

Michael Baum (with Baum, Michael). 2007. Portugal at the Polls
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Desigualdades de género em Portugal: a participação política das mulheres

Michael Baum (with Baum, Michael). 2004. Portugal a Votos: as eleições legislativas de 2002

1998 Portuguese referendums: Explaining the results and speculating on the future of direct democracy in Portugal

Michael Baum (with Freire, A.). 2003. Portuguese Journal of Social Science
Capítulo de Livro

Parties and Territory in Portuguese Politics

Michael Baum (with Baum, Michael). 2003. Between Europeanization and Local Society: Political Actors and Territorial Governance

Referenda Voting in Portugal, 1998: The Effects of Party Sympathies, Social Structure and Pressure Groups

Michael Baum 2003. European Journal of Political Research 42

Referenda voting in Portugal, 1998: The effects of party sympathies, social structure and pressure groups1

Michael Baum (with FREIRE, ANDRE). 2003. European Journal of Political Research

Cleaveages, economy and electoral behaviour in Portugal, 1999,Clivagens, economia e voto em portugal, 1999: Uma análise das eleições parlamentares com dados agregados

Michael Baum 2001. Sociologia, Problemas e Praticas

Partidos políticos, movimentos de cidadãos e referendos em portugal: Os casos do aborto e da regionalização

Michael Baum (with Freire, A.). 2001. Analise Social

Political parties, cleavage structures and referendum voting: Electoral behaviour in the Portuguese regionalization referendum of 1998

Michael Baum (with Baum, M.A.). 2001. South European Society and Politics

Portuguese Trade Union Organisations

Michael Baum (with Baum, Michael). 2001. Garland

Portuguese Trade Union Organizations

Michael Baum 2001. Garland Publications

Referendo Portugûes Sobre a Regionalização numa Perspectiva Comparada

Michael Baum (with Baum, Michael). 2001. Penelope: Revista de História e Ciências Sociais

Uma Análise das Legislativas de 1999 com Dados Agregados

Michael Baum (with Baum, Michael). 2001. Sociologia, Problemas e Prácticas

Autogestão e cultura política: o impacto da reforma agrária no Alentejo vinte anos depois

Michael Baum (with Baum, M.). 1998. Analise Social


Michael Baum (with Baum, Michael). 1997. Oxford University Press


Michael Baum 1997. Council on Foreign Relations and Oxford University Press

Review Essay: Portuguese Political Culture Since April 25, 1974

Michael Baum 1997. Portuguese Studies Review, 5

Review Essay: Portuguese Political Culture Since April 25, 1974

Michael Baum (with Baum, Michael). 1997. Portuguese Studies Review

Workers' control and changes in political culture: Portugal's Alentejo 20 years after the revolution

Michael Baum (with Baum, M.). 1997. South European Society and Politics