Augusta Gaspar

Professor Associado

Generic Bio

Professora Associada, Coordenadora da Área científica de Psicologia, membro do Conselho de Direção do Católica Research Centre for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing, foi coordenadora da Licenciatura em Psicologia (2016-2019) e coordena diversas unidades curriculares em programas do 1º e 2º ciclo.

Psicóloga Educacional, Doutorada em Antropologia Biológica, também com Mestrado em Etologia, fez o trabalho de Pós-Doutoramento em Psicofisiologia das emoções e Psicologia Experimental. Investigadora interdisciplinar, com uma abordagem centrada na Psicobiologia e na Psicologia das Emoções, tem desenvolvido e colaborado em projetos nos tópicos expressão facial de emoções, reações emocionais e perceção de expressões faciais, desenvolvimento da empatia, empatia e emoções no contexto do trabalho, empatia e moral, empatia com animais, ética na investigação com animais, aplicações informáticas na investigação em psicologia e na psicoterapia e relação emoções-cores. É nestes temas que tem publicado em revistas e livros científicos internacionais e nacionais.


The good bank: preference of banking institutions based on perceptions of corporate environmental and social causes

Augusta Gaspar (with Augusta D. Gaspar). 2024. Frontiers in Behavioral Economics

Empathy development from adolescence to adulthood and its consistency across targets

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, Augusta). 2022. Frontiers in Psychology

Let’s talk about the animals – taking the outcomes of animal models of human emotion and affective behavior back to understanding animal minds and emotions

Augusta Gaspar & Constança Carvalho (with Gaspar, Augusta). 2022. Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research
Capítulo de Livro

A Empatia ao longo da vida,

Augusta Gaspar 2021. Envelhecimento: uma visão multidisciplinar

A Psicologia em movimento

Rita Francisco, Joana Carneiro Pinto & Augusta Gaspar (with Francisco, Rita). 2021. Universidade Católica Editora

Choosing who to work with from facial expression and clothing color

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, Augusta). 2021. Society for Affective Science 2021, London, United Kingdom, 13/04/21
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Emotion expression, empathic reception and prosocial behaviour - are they linked in evolution?

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, Augusta). 2021. Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution, new edition

Empatia e moral – que relação na trança da evolução biológica e da evolução cultural?

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, Augusta). 2021. Evolução bio-cultural, moral e política
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Introdução. A Psicologia em Movimento: uma viagem pela Psicologia em Portugal.

Augusta Gaspar 2021. A psicologia em Movimento.
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Nem Psicologia sem Biologia nem Biologia sem Psicologia

Augusta Gaspar & Joana Carneiro Pinto (with Gaspar, Augusta). 2021. A Psicologia em Movimento


Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, Augusta). 2021. III Global StopCyberbullying Telesummit, 1/10/21

The sun is no fun without rain: Physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries

Augusta Gaspar 2019. Journal of Environmental Psychology

Capital psicológico, valores profissionais e satisfação no trabalho

Augusta Gaspar (with Joana Carneiro Pinto). 2018.

Capital psicológico, valores profissionais e satisfação no trabalho: um estudo exploratório

Joana Carneiro Pinto & Augusta Gaspar (with Pinto, Joana Carneiro). 2018.

Driven by shame

Augusta Gaspar (with Augusta Gaspar). 2018. New Interdisciplinary Landscapes in Morality and Emotion
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Driven by Shame

Augusta Gaspar 2018. New Interdisciplinary Landscapes of Morality and Emotion
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Driven by shame: how may a negative emotion lead to prosocial behaviour

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, Augusta). 2018. Morality and Emotion: new interdisciplinary landscapes. Cognition Series.

Ethical and Scientific Pitfalls Concerning Laboratory Research with Non-Human Primates, and Possible Solutions

Augusta Gaspar & Constança Carvalho (with Constança Carvalho). 2018. Animals
Capítulo de Livro

Expressive Avatars in Psychological Intervention and Therapy

Augusta Gaspar (with Cláudio, Ana Paula). 2018. Interface Support for Creativity, Productivity, and Expression in Computer Graphics

Preditores da empatia dirigida a humanos e outros animais em portugueses e anglo-saxónicos

Augusta Gaspar (with Ana Emauz). 2018. PSICOLOGIA

A serious game-based solution to prevent bullying

Augusta Gaspar (with Raminhos, C.). 2016. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications

Adaptação da escala de empatia com animais (EEA) para a população Portuguesa

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Emauz, A.). 2016. Analise Psicologica

Developing children’s ability to recognize animal emotions – what does it take ?

Augusta Gaspar 2016. Human Animal Interaction Bulletin

Morality and empathy vs empathy and morality: A quest for the source of goodness in phylogenetic and ontogenetic contexts

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, A.). 2016. Morality and Emotion: (Un)conscious Journey into Being

Psychophysiological responses to a Virtual Reality scenario for the treatment of Social Anxiety

Augusta Gaspar 2016. International Journal of Psychophysiology
Capítulo de Livro

Reflexões sobre a família contemporânea. Estudo empírico com estudantes da Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Rita Francisco, Joana Carneiro Pinto & Augusta Gaspar (with Francisco, Rita). 2016. Família. Essência e Multidisciplinaridade

A serious game to prevent bullying and promote empathy

Augusta Gaspar (with Raminhos, Cátia). 2015. 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015

A serious game to prevent bullying and promote empathy,Um Jogo Sério para prevenir o bullying e promover a empatia

Augusta Gaspar (with Raminhos, C.). 2015. 2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015

A serious game-based solution to prevent bullying

Augusta Gaspar (with Raminhos, C.). 2015. 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, MoMM 2015 - Proceedings
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Como a Evolução Elucida a Ética. De Anjos e Demónios, à Empatia entre Nós e os Outros (2ªEd).

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, Augusta). 2015.

Sense of presence inside a feared (virtual) tunnel

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Cláudio, A.P.). 2015. 2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015

Using expressive and talkative virtual characters in social anxiety disorder treatment

Augusta Gaspar (with Cláudio, A.P.). 2015. GRAPP 2015 - 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications; VISIGRAPP, Proceedings
Capítulo de Livro

Atenção: a boa disposição ajuda a (con)viver. Capítulo 2, In Pina, J.A. Comunicar com Humor. Insensatez ou Profissionalismo?

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, A.). 2014. Comunicar com Humor. Insensatez ou Profissionalismo?

IN2TUNNEL – Terapia de Exposição para Fobia de Atravessar Túneis.

Augusta Gaspar (with Gomes, I.L.). 2014. Actas do Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, EPCG 2014

Invited talk at the , «The expressway to emotion – can we find it? The Story Told by Human and Great Ape Faces»

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, A.). 2014. Workshop: Behavior, Cognition and Evolution, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, June 2th,

Neurobiologia e Psicologia da Empatia

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, A.). 2014. Coloquio «Ano Europeu do Cérebro», Novembro 13-14, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Neurobiologia e psicologia da empatia: pontos de partida para a investigação e intervenção da promoção da empatia

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, A.). 2014. Povos e Culturas
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On prototypical facial expressions vs variation in facial behavior: What Have We Learned on the “Visibility” of Emotions from Measuring Facial Actions in Humans and Apes

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Gaspar, Maria Augusta Duarte Gaspar). 2014. The Evolution of Social Communication in Primates: A Multidisciplinary Approach.

Personagens Virtuais Expressivas

Augusta Gaspar (with Teixeira, R.D.). 2014. Actas do Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, EPCG 2014

Personagens virtuais expressivas. Conciliando custo e qualidade no tratamento da ansiedade social.

Augusta Gaspar (with Teixeira, R.D.). 2014. INFOFORUM 2014 Conference, Universidade do Porto, September 4-5 2014

Us humans, them dogs and the others: assessing affective empathy towards humans and other animals from facial expression, using facial EMG.

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, A.). 2014. SEPNECA –SEPEX (Sociedad Española de Psicofisiología y Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva and Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental) joint meeting Múrcia 1-4 October, 2014

Virtual Characters with Affective Facial Behavior

Augusta Gaspar (with Cáudio, AP). 2014. proceeding of: GRAPP 2014- International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications,
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Virtual Characters with Affective Facial Behavior

Augusta Gaspar 2014. Proceedings GRAPP 2014 International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and applications, pp 348-355

Virtual characters with affective facial behavior

Augusta Gaspar (with Cláudio, A.P.). 2014. GRAPP 2014 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications

Ajudar ou não-ajudar. O efeito da vinculação e empatia no comportamento prosocial.

Augusta Gaspar (with Henriques, M.A.). 2013. Atas do VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia. Aveiro, Portugal

Assessment of Factors Affecting Children’s Perception of Animal Emotions at the Zoo – a preliminary report .

Augusta Gaspar (with Rocha, S). 2013. Proceedings 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2013), Stockholm, Sweden

Empathy towards humans and other animals: not all non-humans fare the same.

Augusta Gaspar (with Ribeiro, A). 2013. proceeding of: The 13th European Congress of Psychology, At Stockholm, Sweeden

Empatia Emocional em Adolescentes e Adultos – as novidades de percurso

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, A.). 2013. I Encontro crescer com empatia

Fatores que afetam a forma como as crianças vêm as emoções dos animais no jardim zoológico

Augusta Gaspar (with Rocha, S). 2013. Actas do Congresso Internacional de Psicologia: Novos desafios, Novas Competências.

Personagens Virtuais na Terapia de Exposição

Augusta Gaspar (with Lpes, E.). 2013. Proceeding of: Interação 2013, Vila Real, Portugal

Respostas electromiográficas às expressões faciais de humanos, chimpanzés e cães.

Augusta Gaspar (with Ribeiro, A). 2013. Atas do VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia. Aveiro, Portugal

Vinculação e comportamento facial em crianças

Augusta Gaspar (with Barata, F.). 2013. Atas do VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia. Aveiro, Portugal

A busca do comportamento facial espontâneo e do seu significado

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, M.). 2012. Conferência convidada no ISPA - Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada

Archetypes, prototypes and variation in facial expression: lessons learned from actually measuring facial behavior

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, A.). 2012. International Colloquium From grooming to Speaking

Can humans read emotions in animal facial expressions?

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Ribeiro, A.). 2012. 9º Congresso Nacional de Etologia

Chimpanzee Facial Actions in Two Emotional Contexts: Emotional Induction Experiments at the Great Outdoors of the Mona Foundation

Augusta Gaspar (with Ribeiro, A.). 2012. 4th Congress of the European Federation for Primatology 3rd Iberian Primatological Congress

Do humans read emotions in animal facial expressions?

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Ribeiro, A.). 2012. International Conference Minding Animals

Do You know what I'm feeling? Children's Perception of Animal Emotions

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Rocha, S.). 2012. 9º Congresso Nacional de Etologia

Facial behavior and attachment styles in toddlers? - is there a relation?

Augusta Gaspar (with Barata, F.). 2012. IVth European Conference on Facial Expression

How adolescents and adults interpret and react to dynamic pictures of facial expression? On the attunement and unattunement of different measures in the study of emotional empathy

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Esteves, F.). 2012. IVth European Conference on Facial Expression

Is it just a game? Emotional and Behavioural outcomes of gaming with violence

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Arriaga, P.). 2012. Inequality and Violence Workshop 2012: Development, Perpetuation and Change

Preschooler's faces in spontaneous emotional contexts-how well do they match adult facial expression prototypes?

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Gaspar, A.). 2012. International Journal of Behavioral Development

Skin conductance vs appraisal of dynamic emotional stimuli

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Esteves, F.). 2012. 8th Congress of the Spanish Society for Psychophysiology and Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SEPNECA)

The Expressive Apes and the Emotional Apes: Current Fair Trends in Primatology


The naturalistic approach revisited as a means to adress the pending question of what does spontaneuos facial expression look like in everyday life.

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Gaspar, M.). 2012. IVth European Conference on Facial Expression

What Constitutes Positive vs. Negative Stimuli for a Chimpanzee and How Do We Find It Out in the Field?

Augusta Gaspar (with Rocha, S.). 2012. 4th Congress of the European Federation of Primatology

Workshop on Facial Electromyography

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, M.). 2012. Workshop on Facial EMG - PEC workshp series

Bem-estar de Primatas: Comportamento e fisiologia ( e alguns mistérios)

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, A.). 2011. I Congresso de Medicina do Comportamento e Bem-estar animal
Capítulo de Livro

Chimpanzee Faces Under the Magnifying Glass: Emerging Methods Reveal Cross-Species Similarities and Individuality

Augusta Gaspar (with Bard, K.A.). 2011. Personality and Temperament in Non-human Primates

Chimpanzee facial actions in two Emotional Contexts - emotional induction experiments at the great outdoors of the Mona Foundation

Augusta Gaspar (with Ribeiro, A.). 2011. 4th Congress of the European Federation for Primatology and III Iberian Primatological Conference joint meeting

Empathic Cross-paths: SCR and EMG responses to emotion in ape and Human faces. Does Species Matter?

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Gaspar, A.). 2011. the Society for Psychophysiological Research 51st Annual Meeting

Empathic Cross-Paths: SCR and EMG Responses to Emotion in Ape and Human Faces. Does Species Matter?

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, A.). 2011. Psychophysiology


Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Gaspar, A.). 2011. 51st Annual Meeting of the Society-of-Psychophysiological-Research

What constitutes positive vs negative stimuli for a chimpanzee and how do we find it out in the field?

Augusta Gaspar (with Rocha, S.). 2011. 4th Congress of the European Federation for Primatology and III Iberian Primatological Conference joint meeting

What Constitutes Positive vs. Negative Stimuli for a Chimpanzee and How Do We Find It Out in the Field?

Augusta Gaspar 2011. Folia Primatologica

What Constitutes Positive vs. Negative Stimuli for a Chimpanzee and How Do We Find It Out in the Field?

Augusta Gaspar (with Rocha, S.). 2011. 4th Congress of the European Federation for Primatology 3rd Iberian Primatological Congress

Introduction - moving emotion forward: from the ubiquity of emotion in mental processes to rewinding its origins

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Esteves, F.). 2010. Psicologia

The Evolving Empathy: hardwired bases of human and non-human primate empathy

Augusta Gaspar 2010. Psicologia

Introduction: one hundred year old questions, novel paradigms and new findings on emotion

Augusta Gaspar & Francisco Esteves (with Esteves, F.). 2008. Psicologia

Universals and individuality in facial behavior - Past and future of an evolutionary perspective

Augusta Gaspar (with Gaspar, A.). 2006. Acta Ethologica

Playing with Violence