Lest we Forget: Mesa redonda e conversa com Guy Stern, refugiado do Holocausto

Segunda-feira, Novembro 22, 2021 - 18:00

Room 131

Palma de Cima
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CECC_Roundtable and conversation with Guy Stern

76 years after the end of World War II and the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, only a few witnesses of the Holocaust remain, in fear that soon World War II and the Nazi terror will be considered just one more terrible event among many in the course of history.

How can memory be preserved and enable future generations to learn from the lessons of the past? How can the disappearance of this human catastrophe into the depths of historical oblivion be prevented?

These questions will be addressed at a roundtable and conversation with Prof. Guy Stern, who escaped from Germany in 1937 and returned to Europe as an American soldier with the Ritchie Boys in 1943.

Zoom link