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Doutorada em Saúde Ambiental pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, é desde 2020 Professora Auxiliar convidada da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa e investigadora integrada do Católica Research Centre for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing (CRC-W) desde 2020. É investigadora colaboradora do IMM (Lopes lab) e do ISAMB, ambos da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa. Membro ativo de diversas sociedades internacionais de sono e ritmos biológicos. Representante portuguesa do estudo internacional Global Chrono Corona Study (GCCS); coordena o projeto de colaboração EuroSleep com Till Roenneberg (LMU Munich and Chronsulting, Germany). É autora de várias publicações sobre ritmos biológicos e sono; trabalho por turnos, patologias do ritmo de sono-vigília e população em geral. Foco especial em tentar perceber qual o impacto da sociedade na disrupção circadiana e consequente impacto na performance física, mental e cognitiva dos indivíduos e a sua relação com os diversos cronotipos humanos.


Sleep and Awakening Quality during COVID-19 Confinement: Complexity and Relevance for Health and Behavior

Cátia Reis & Margarida Gaspar de Matos (with Teresa Paiva). 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Social jetlag, a novel predictor for high cardiovascular risk in blue‐collar workers following permanent atypical work schedules

Cátia Reis (with Sara Gamboa Madeira). 2021. Journal of Sleep Research

Validation of the Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm for estimating sleep–wake patterns from activity recordings

Cátia Reis (with Ann‐Sophie Loock). 2021. Journal of Sleep Research

COVID-19-mandated social restrictions unveil the impact of social time pressure on sleep and body clock

Cátia Reis (with Maria Korman). 2020. Scientific Reports

Retrospective Study Suggests that Chronic Insomnia Behaves as a Neurodegenerative Disorder

Cátia Reis (with Neutel, Dulce). 2020. Journal of Sleep Disorders and Therapy

Social timing influences sleep quality in patients with sleep disorders

Cátia Reis (with Cátia Reis). 2020. Sleep Medicine

The Importance of Sleep Fragmentation on the Hemodynamic Dipping in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients

Cátia Reis (with Staats, R.). 2020. Frontiers in Physiology

The prevalence of excessive sleepiness is higher in shift workers than in patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Cátia Reis (with Cátia Reis). 2020. Journal of Sleep Research

Validation of the Portuguese variant of the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2020.

Validation of the Portuguese Variant of the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ<sup>PT</sup>)

Cátia Reis (with Reis, C.). 2020. Frontiers in Physiology

Associação Nuvem Vitória: the impact of bedtime stories in paediatric inpatients settings

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2019. World Congress on Sleep Medicine (WASM)

Average chronotype of countries in the Greenwich time zone in winter and summer

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2019. European Biological Rhythm Society Congress (EBRS)

Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder in a clinical population: gender and sub-population diferences.

Cátia Reis 2019. Sleep Science

Effect of exogenous melatonin on sleep quality and duration among permanent night workers

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2019. European Biological Rhythm Society Congress (EBRS)

Epworth Sleepiness Scale as a screening tool for sleep medicine patients

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2019. World Congress on Sleep Medicine (WASM)

Late chronotypes represent an increased cardiovascular risk for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients - a pilot study

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2019. World Congress on Sleep Medicine (WASM)

Differences between women and men related to insomnia

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2018. Lisbon Sleep Summit

Gender-related demographic, polysomnographic, cognitive and psychological factors in insomnia

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2018. Lisbon Sleep Summit

Lifestyles associated to sleep duration

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2018. European Congress of Epidemiology

PSQI gender and weekend differences in sleep disorders groups

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2018. 24th Congress of the ESRS

Searching for paradoxical insomnia

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2018. 24th Congress of the ESRS

Sleep duration, lifestyles and chronic diseases: a cross-sectional population-based study.

Cátia Reis 2018. Sleep science (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Women on the stage: will we find gender differences in obstructive sleep apnea polysomnography results?

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2018. Lisbon Sleep Summit

Are the Portuguese really latter than the other people in Europe?

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2017. European Biological Rhythm Society Congress (EBRS)

PSQI largely ignores sleep on work-free days both in the general population and in clinical sleep medicine samples

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2017. World Sleep Conference 2017

Translation and validation of two questionnaires assessing fear of flying for portuguese language

Cátia Reis (with Mestre, C.). 2017. Analise Psicologica

Clinical and biological aspects of a delayed sleep/wake syndrome population

Cátia Reis 2016. European Sleep Research Society - ESRS

Clinical and biological aspects of a Delayed Sleep/Wake Syndrome population

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2016. 23rd Congress of the ESRS

Phase-Angle Differences between Dim-Light Melatonin Onset and Sleep Onset in Patients Diagnosed with Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

Cátia Reis 2016. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (SRBR)

Phase-Angle Differences between Dim-Light Melatonin Onset and Sleep Onset in Patients Diagnosed with Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2016. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms Conference

Sleep and fatigue differences in the two most common types of commercial flight operations

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2016. Aerospace medicine and human performance

Sleep complaints and fatigue of airline pilots.

Cátia Reis 2016. Sleep Science

The best tool to characterize delayed sleep/wake phase syndrome

Cátia Reis 2016. European Sleep Research Society - ESRS

The best tool to characterize Delayed Sleep/Wake Phase Syndrome

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2016. 23rd Congress of the ESRS

Biological and psychological evaluation of performances markers

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2015. World Sleep Federation Sleep and Health 2015

Clinical, neurophysiological and circadian patterns of patients with late/irregular sleep wake schedules

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2015. World Sleep Federation Sleep and Health 2015

DLMO in evening types and sleep phase delay

Cátia Reis 2015. European Biological Rhythms Society/World Congress of Chronobiology Meeting

Individual variability to biological, hormonal and psychological responses to sleep deprivation

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2015. 6th World Congress on Sleep Medicine (WASM)


Cátia Reis 2015. Sleep Medicine

Prevalence of self-reported rheumatic diseases in a portuguese population

Cátia Reis (with Reis, C.). 2014. Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa

Sleep deficit and sleep problems, the main concern to shift workers with disruptive schedules. A fatigue issue?

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2014. 22nd Congress of the ESRS

Sleep deficit and sleep problems, the main concern to shift workers with disruptive schedules. A fatigue issue?

Cátia Reis 2014. European Sleep Research Society - ESRS

Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Jenkins Sleep Scale in a sample of Portuguese shift workers

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia). 2014. 22nd Congress of the ESRS

Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Jenkins Sleep Scale in a sample of Portuguese shift workers

Cátia Reis 2014. Laboratório de Psicologia

Effects of fatigue in Portuguese commercial airline pilots

Cátia Reis 2013.

Prevalence of fatigue in a group of airline pilots.

Cátia Reis (with Reis C). 2013.

Aspectos parcelares da epidemiologia da artrite reumatóide

Cátia Reis (with Reis, Cátia Cristina Peixinho, 1978-). 2011.