Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo

Assistant Professor

Generic Bio

PhD from Universidade Católica Portuguesa in 2010. Executive Director of AEEP, Presidente of the General Council of IAVE, I.P., and Counselor of the National Educational Council. Chairman of the European Council of National Associations of Independent Schools and Vice Presidente of the European Federation of Education Employers. Administrator of Ensinus Estudos Superiores, SA, founding entity of ISG – Instituto Superior de Gestão.

Coordinated project QUALIS of self assesment of the schools of the Azores Islands. Participated in the tema that assessed Iniciativa Novas Oportunidades. Was member of the Education Technological Plan Observatory. Teached Tax at Instituto Superior de Gestão, where he coordinated the Distance Learning Department. Was Chief of Staff for the Minister of Education of the XVIº Government. Collaborated with the European Institut of Public Administration in adapting CAf to Education and is certified a External CAf feedback actor. His main research areas are School management, Education law and policy and Education systems. Has authored papers and chapters on the Portuguese education system and school assessment.



Autoavaliação das Escolas com a CAF e políticas educativas de autonomia curricular de 2.ª geração

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo 2018. Revista de Administração e Emprego Público, pgs. 89-112. DGAEP

O (novo) Estatuto do Ensino Particular e Cooperativo

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo 2018. Fundação Manuel Leão
Book Chapter

Os Jesuítas e a Liberdade de Educação em Portugal

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo (with Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo). 2018.

Reshaping Schools for a T-World

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo (with Melo, Rodrigo Eiró de Queiroz e). 2018. Plataforma Crescimento Sustentável, Wilfried Martens Center for European Studies
Book Chapter

Private Schooling in Portugal

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo 2017. The Wiley Handbook of School Choice

As Guerras da Escolha da Escola


As guerras da escolha da escola

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo (with Melo, Rodrigo Queiroz e). 2016. Associação dos Estabelecimentos de Ensino Particular e Cooperativo

Introduction to the Special Issue

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo (with Fox, R.A.). 2015. Journal of School Choice

Auto-avaliação e melhoria pressupostos organizacionais

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo 2014. Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Educacional

O novo estatuto do ensino particular e cooperativo

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo 2014. E-publica Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público

O novo estatuto do ensino particular e cooperativo: um novo paradigma de autonomia e regulação

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo (with Melo,Rodrigo Queiroz e). 2014.

Self-assessment and improvement: organizational assumptions

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo (with Melo, Rodrigo Eiró de Queiroz e). 2014.

Relations Between Catholic Schools Funded by the State and the National Educational Inspectorate in Portugal-Freedom of Education With State Funding

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo (with Queiroz E Melo, R.). 2013. Journal of School Choice

Propostas para um novo modelo de regulação da educação

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo (with Azevedo, Joaquim). 2011.
Book Chapter

Contemporary political relations of catholic education: challenges for catholic schools in Portugal

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo (with Azevedo, Joaquim). 2007.

A escola e o Estado

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo (with Melo, Rodrigo Queiroz e). 2003.